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Topics - JFCShloss

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Guest Board / =JFC=
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:45:09 »
To the commander of the Kuentai Squadron:-
for the past few weeks we have had  two of your officers taking part in our internal campaign,
Jiji and Yasu
id like to say  thank you to them, and to you for allowing them to take part,
they have been exemplary  in their behaviour and manner
they have proven to be extremely good ambassadors of your squadron ,
so this message is just to say , thank you  verry much for their participation and i hope it can continue and indeed if any more of your pilots would like to take part  you are all more than welcome to participate with us and i hope this collaboration can continue  as long as  you  wish
thankyou , and i hope to see jiji and yasu again  in the coming weekends,
the campaing is on going, we are currently fighting in the solomon islands
once this campaign is over we will be going on to the Darwin  campaign

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