Author Topic: 4.12 is released  (Read 4522 times)


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4.12 is released
« on: June 18, 2013, 10:30:52 »
It's here, it is finally here.  4.12 came out.  Must install over fresh 4.11, I've read that if you disable HSFX and try to install 4.12 it will not work.  I had a backup of 4.11.  I made a folder and called it UBISOFT 4.12 then copied my backup into that folder.  Ran 4.11.1 and ran that.  Then I ran 4.12 and ran that.  Worked fine.  Download was very fast.  Widescreen is great, full screen map is great.  FMB changes to object names is GREAT~!. 

« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 13:47:05 by KU_Rigamortis »


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Re: 4.12 is released
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 14:34:01 »
Great news!!
Thanks for information.
I will try this evening.



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Re: 4.12 is released
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 23:55:43 »
I forgot to say after along time, Rigamortis sa, how are you recently?
I tried 4.12.
B5N and Ki45 became flyable, both new cockpit are nice.
And I heard good news another, UP3.1 will release soon.,6118.msg51400/topicseen.html#new



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Re: 4.12 is released
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2013, 07:51:34 »
I'm doing good.  On a week of vacation after working 60-70 hour weeks for the last 6-months. 

I really don't have much faith in UP anymore.  I've heard too many bad things about the FM modifications.  I guess the only thing to do is wait to see the reviews upon release, but it will still be 1 patch behind.  I'm sure with the release of 4.12, the HSFX guys are busy working to implement all the changes that patch brings.  UP will have to start all over to incorporate 4.12 and there is no assurance that RRR will even be in the new UP.  I don't know if Zuti is bringing his mod to UP or not. [edit] I just read some posts on the UP forum and it seems the code will be a mix of 4.10.1, 4.11.1 and according to Hades 4.12.  Sounds like a hodge podge to me.  I think I am going to stick with flying stock for a while longer. 

Rain again today - Friday.  I live near a beach, but may as well live on the moon.  Summer seems to equal shit weather in Japan.  1 day too hot/humid, next day a typhoon, next day hot, next day rain.  The beach is so dirty with trash and even hypodermic needles now that I don't walk on it anymore.

I'm still flying at RAAF website.  RAAF Smooch and the guys there invite all of KU to come fly.  I know the ping is very high, but it is still flyable with very little lag.  They are hoping to get 4.12 up and running on their server by Thursday, which is next squadron flying day.  1930ish maybe 2000 JST.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 13:32:36 by KU_Rigamortis »


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Re: 4.12 is released
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 18:19:41 »
I will play in RAF server with 4.12ver.


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Re: 4.12 is released
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 20:54:38 »
You worked so hard, it relates to Abenomics?
Yes, Summer in Japan is very humid, MUSHI ATSUI!
My son went to a school camping today, but the camping is discontinued and he come home tomorrow, because of typhoon is approaching.
He will be sad, he was looking forward to going a camp :'(.

I am using Ultr@Pack at BAHIA's bomberers training assembly. They are still using 4.101+UP, because it has multi-crew function.
They will prefer UP, for me also.

I can not participate RAAF server often, I have to do housework at early evening sorry(my scary wife).
I try to fly RAAF on Thursday, 4.12 will be fun.
I hope you try a new mission Fukuoka Air Raid on Zeke server, if you have a chance, I built that with Faust.

You seemed to send a message to Yasu, but it undelivered and came back to this forum's address.
Yasu's email address in profile is useless temporally, because of a coutermeasure of spamming.
I sent email to Yasu, he will contact you soon.


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