Author Topic: JFC Recruiting  (Read 8771 times)


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JFC Recruiting
« on: June 03, 2012, 00:25:38 »

My name is Karl, Im from the JFC Squadron. We are currently recruiting other squadrons to fly in our server for the campaigns.

We are currently flying full realism PTO campaign on Sundays from 1300gmt - 2200gmt. With both allied and axis pilots from JFC and some from another squadron. I fly on the axis 1st Sentai we also have 4th Sentai fighter/bomber and 62nd Sentai bombers.

We have two servers on hyperlobby

JFC Dedicated
JFC Dedicated 2 (my server)

Why not come fly for fun with us and see what some of you think?


Chu-i Karlfoxman


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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 00:12:00 »
Salute Karl, thanks for information.
I tried to join your server "JFC dedicated" at 1400 GMT, but it required a password, I could not log in the server.
How can I know the password?
I mistook the time or server address?


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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 11:00:34 »
Hello Karl and JiJii.

I believe I can fly most sundays from about 1800GMT and on...give or take an hour or so.  Will look for you on Hyperlobby.

~S~  All the best



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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 01:49:47 »

Sorry not been in touch, I have forwarded the info to my superior deputy commander. He will or has been in touch.

Be great to see you helping our efforts in the campaign!

Speak soon


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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 05:12:42 »
Ok fellow pilots,

I have been instructed to give the information on our server.

The sever runs from 1300 - 2200 GMT on Sundays, the sever is based on UP3 RC4 but also uses a special mod package called JFC Mods. These are needed to fly the server because some objects in the campaign are only used by JFC. We have another guest squadron flying to help the allies JG77 squad. JFC members are split into allies and axis and we keep all our orders and intel secret from the allies for obvious reasons.

The map we fly in campaign is Solomans 1943

 The realism settings are full realism but we do have the speedbar on. We have our own set of rules set out by the high command, they are found here.

If you decide you will join us we will give you some orders, this maybe protect an area or escort or fighter sweeps. You may use any of you tactics you wish to be able to carry out your orders. We fully respect your another squadron and you do not have to fly with us in campaigns, but even feel free to just come and talk to us on teamspeak.

I know English might be a problem for some of you, but we will try our best to make ourselves understood. When you fly in campaign you will be working with your own squadron tags and you will work together as a squadron.

The JFC mods are fairly simple to use and will not affect your install of IL2 here is a brief summary of install

1. Download the self extracting file
2. Run the file
3. Tell the installer to install to your root IL2 folder e.g D:/IL2/
4. Once installed you have in your root of IL2 these two files "ActivateJFCMods.bat" & "DeactivateJFCMods.bat"
5. When you fly our server you need to ACTIVATE
6. When you fly on other servers you need to DEACTIVATE

Diving_Hawk tried to register on your forums but he put in the CAPTCHA wrong and cannot register now.
Any problems with anything please feel free to ask us.

We really hope you decide to join us! And looking forward to talking to you soon.




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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 23:03:41 »
Hello and Salute Karl, thanks for replying and information.
I tried to go to URL you wrote, but your site said "Sorry, but only users granted special access can read topics in this forum." (both URL)
Of course, I have registered on your forum already, and also logged in there.
It needs to do something still more?

I am sorry about CAPTCHA did not work well on our site. I made that easier, a few noise.
If Diving_Hawk could not register on our forum yet, I will send him ID and password I registered by e-mail.
Send me e-mail, if he could not.
Thanks for your kindness, Karlfoxman, I  am looking forward to flying on your missions.

Best wishes,


  • FriendlySqd
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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2012, 03:51:22 »

Im getting DivingHawk to email you to fix these problems. Meanwhile he sent me this for the rules.

From : =JFC=DivingHawk
To: Kuentai Squadron

To join the campaign you must have the mod Karl gave you with instructions
Bellow are some important things about how our campaign works.

1) The Lives system

You have 3 lives:
1) Combat Life : You can perform all combat missions. Once dead you loose this life. Then you can switch to recon or gunner lives.
2) Recon Life: You can take photos and gather intel about enemy positions to aid your strategist. (we have ground and naval warfare controlled by humans)
You are not allowed to bomb or make offensive actions. You are allowed to be armed but you might only use it to defend yourself when attacked.
3)Gunner Life: You may act as gunner for your bombers as long and as many times as you want.

2) Changing Homebase

The base you use for takeoff is your base for the campaign day. You cannot change base unless you a) Transfer yourself to new base
 b) Take 1 hour penalty to simulate transfering. ( also valid if you take a break more than 1h.)

3) Bailing out

If you bail out you have to wait some time. The time is 3 minutes per friendly map square, 5 minutes per enemy square and the penalty cannot be more than 1 hour.
During your bailout penalty you can fly recon or gunner.

4) The ground war + Plane numbers

Ground/Sea units are controlled by humans on both sides. This means the intel you can give your side will help him be more effective in his planning.
Each time you loose a plane the available number drops. So make sure to come home safe if you can.

5) Bombing

Everything is allowed to bomb but not planes taking off/taxiways or runways.
You can bomb aaa/flak near enemy Af though
This is no dogfight map but a virtual campaign so many times the enemy will try to hide their units from your bombers. You may even be forced to attack single units,
But as in real life each unit you kill gives your ground forces the advantage.

AAA + Flak are tough and they are made as good as historical guns of same size. It is not easy job to get bombs on tgt. But then again it was not easy in real life also, you needed a lot of aircraft attacking same area.
I personally researched the stats of many historical guns and put them in il2.
You will not find the easy aaa/flak you have on Zekes vs Wildcats. A G4M making skip bomb against a BB is as good as dead like real life.

6) Vulching, Caping enemy bases

Is totally allowed.

7) Objectives

Are decided by the strategist. You will recieve them before campaign day. But they won't be there in briefing screen. As in real life theya re hidden from enemy.

8] Homebases

Are hidden and won't show on the map. Putting your mouse on top of their area will make it a cross and allow you to select them and fly.
You will recieve a map with their location before each campaign.

9) Custom skins

Are allowed. For example if you have a skin for your squad with dedicated tail marking and wing stripes you can use it so your enemies know who they fight 

10) AARs = After Action Report
We write a report of our flight as real pilots would do so teh strategist know what happened.
An example is this:
 Mission:G.attack + CAP
 Flight Time:1:30 Hour
 Loadout:DT + bomb
 Fuel: 100%
 Take off (Kahili)
 Dropped bomb on 40mm unit near enemy new AF
 Hit near one. No kills. Made a quick strafing run, took one out and then bugged out to stay alive.
 CAPed our ships.
 Spotted 2 Lancasters.Shot the one and killed it's pilot(Jussi)
 Heavily damaged the other one (V-T)
 In the process I was bleeding so crash landed after to avoid getting killed.
 1 wing broke as I was craslanding between trees.

Wins: 1X 40mm flak guns, 1 Lancaster(+Jussi's combat life)
 Losses: 1 X Ki-44

One of you will have to put the reports from your pilots in our homepage sow e know what you destroyed/ planes lost/ planes won

For any further questions contact us on our forum or by any other way

S! Kuentai


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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2012, 08:22:09 »
Hello Karl, Thanks for your important information.
But I moved your last post to our "members room", because it seems to include your squadron's private secret contents.
Though everyone can see this board, guests and normal forum members can not see the "members room", only our team mates can see that.
I could get the your JFC's MOD pack, and installed, it worked well.
I think we can participate your mission on next Sunday, though I worry whether I can understand your rules of mission, because my poor English :-/
Anyway I try my best, I am looking forward to fly with your mates.
I can join around at 1300GMT or 1400GMT on next Sunday.
Thanks for all your kindness, Salute JFC, Keirei <(^_^)

Best wishes,
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 08:44:12 by KU_jijii »


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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2012, 23:48:47 »
Yes good thinking! Well done and thanks for moving it!

The english dont worry, maybe if your other members can translate?

As for the orders we can do it by pictures of maps, so it can be easy for you.

Are you joining this Sunday?17th June?

Im pleased the JFC Mods work :-)


Regards Karl


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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2012, 01:54:15 »
Hello Karl.
I thought your missions are casual thing, like a ZekeVSWildcat, I thought too easygoing, very sorry.
I have translated to Japanese your campaign mission rules to our members board for our Japanese members.
I will join your server on Sunday 17th June, the day after tomorrow.

Best wishes,


  • FriendlySqd
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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2012, 02:27:43 »
Great news! I will inform Diving Hawk. You can join our teamspeak and we can type or talk when in the campaign. I look forward to flying with your squadron.

Many Thanks



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Re: JFC Recruiting
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2012, 20:42:29 »
Hello DivingHawk and Karl, thanks for we could participated your campaign mission, that was very fun.
I moved your posts about the briefing of the campaign to "Friendly Squadrons' Room", I thought those should not be seen by everyone.
Please check a new board "Friendly Squadrons' Room", only our sqd members and friendly sqd members can see that board, regular members can not.

Best wishes,
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 21:48:26 by KU_jijii »


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